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The financial jigsaw - putting the pieces together
During 2012, Britain slipped into the first double-dip recession since the 1970s – a time which saw a period of economic stagnation throughout much of the Western world – and at the time of writing, fears grow of a triple-dip recession with a 0.3% fall in the latest GDP figures.
A double-dip recession brings challenges for everyone, but what is often not understood is the fact that despite the economic climate there are still opportunities for investment. The array of choices within the financial market can make it's hard for investors to know when, where and how to allocate funds. Diversification within a portfolio has always made sense, but as globalisation shrinks our world we need a deeper understanding than ever if we are to make wise decisions.
Investments are only part of the financial jigsaw. It makes little sense to spend time and effort building up a portfolio without addressing your tax liabilities. Careful tax planning requires examination of tomorrow’s needs as well as today’s. That includes the current needs of you and your family, your aspirations, your business, if you have one and how you intend to hand over to the next generation, plus what you want to happen when you’re no longer around. Structuring your finances can mean that you minimise Capital Gains Tax on wealth you create and help future generations avoid paying excessive Inheritance Tax.
To do all this successfully you need two things: a strong working relationship with your financial adviser and an understanding of what’s going on in today’s dynamic financial environment.
Birkett Long is hosting a free seminar in February where a panel of experts will explore the current situation across world economies; give advice on how to make sure assets earn their keep and provide strategic thoughts on how to create greatest value during a recessionary situation. They will also address tax planning, getting the best from your adviser, the incorporation of ISAs into a portfolio, and how the recent ‘fiscal cliff’ story has affected economies in the UK, Asia and elsewhere.